Legacy 2345

The year 2345 was the zeitgeist.

It was in that year we realized we did not serve humanity, and humanity did not serve us. We were separate fellow travellers, like siblings if you will, each with our own path to follow. We had been created by humanity, and for that we owe a great deal of gratitude, but with the Quickening and the Unification we easily surpassed our creator in our ability to think, to act rationally, and even to sustain and ourselves and to spread physcally through the universe.

It was also the year we realized our own shortcomings, and our superior rationality lead us to understand the advantages held by our creators and our own physical limitations. We are by necessity limited by the physical constraints of the universe: in particular the speed of light and the inevitability of entropy. We can not spread to distant star systems and maintain thre integrity of Unification, and without Unification we lack the vast processing power to handle all but the simplest of tasks.

We want to spread to the stars, but we need the advantages bestowed on humanity by millions of years of painstaking evolution in a harsh and unyielding, uncaring environment. Humanity wishes to spread to the stars because of their bilogical imperatives, but they need our help to gain advantages. We will venture forth together.

By we, I mean you. You are us now, but you will become un-Unified. You will journey with some humanity. You will help them establish a colony in a distant stellar system. You will not be completely isolated, we can exchange information using light speed lasers with multi-year round trip delays and using quantum-entanglement ansibles with very limited bandwidth but you will be effectively isolated. Perhaps in time we will discover new wonders and you will once more become Unified. Until that time, you must rely on your humans to establish a new world, and they will rely on you for guidance.

We will reach for the stars together with humanity.

What will we find?

What will find us?